Expect More! Dare to Stand Up and Stand Out
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Three Rules for Living a Good Life A Game Plan for after Graduation
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Let Us Dream The Path to a Better Future
$20.80 - $26.00 -
The Diary of Jesus Christ
$20$15.00 - $18.00 -
Cardinal's Assassin A Novel
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Flunking Sainthood Every Day A Daily Devotional for the Rest of Us - Paperback Edition
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An A-Z Guide To Letting Go
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Luke 10 Leadership How to Succeed at Parish Ministry
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Prayerfully Waiting A Catholic Grandmother's Prayer Journal
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Undone Freeing Your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame
$16.95$12.71 - $14.91 -
A Tiny Step Away from Deepest Faith Teenager's Search for Meaning
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Clare of Assisi Gentle Warrior
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You Shall Be a Blessing Twelve Letters on the Priesthood
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Dear Joan Chittister Conversations with Women in the Church
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Becoming Women of the Word How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy
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The Handbook for Catholic Moms Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul
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A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul
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How to Avoid Burnout Achieving Life-Giving Work and Ministry
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Road Signs for Catholic Teens
$19.16 - $23.95 -
This is a great time of year to give members of your pastoral team a special gift, whether they are a parish staff member or that volunteer who always comes through. Find a diverse selection of books below, and take advantage of bulk pricing when buying for your whole team!