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Who Is My Neighbor? VBS Theme

Respond to the Great Commandment and Pope Francis' powerful encyclical Fratelli Tutti

Neighbors are more than people who live next door. Neighbors are more than people in our families or communities. Through five carefully chosen Bible stories, Who Is My Neighbor? leads children on a journey to discover more about God’s great love. From looking at how to be a neighbor to diving into what it means to live out our faith, this interactive VBS series will lead children deeply into Bible stories focused on God’s care and compassion for neighbors close at hand and around the world.

The Bible passages begin with the Great Commandment and story of the Good Samaritan, the same Gospel stories around which Pope Francis builds his encyclical Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity & Social Friendship). Each day starts with relationship-building, joint worship, music, prayer, and a dramatic presentation of the Bible story.