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Who Is My Neighbor? VBS Theme Physical + Downloadable Starter Kit

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Available November 1
Who Is My Neighbor? VBS Theme
Physical + Downloadable Starter Kit
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INCLUDES Downloadable Starter Kit. Purchase this physical starter kit if you want printed leader guides, all electronic files on a handy USB flash drive, and other components in hand.  The following physical items will be shipped to you:

Leader binder:

  • Includes all leader guides plus supporting documents, all conveniently organized in a single three-ring binder with labeled tabs.
  • Easily remove pages to reproduce, arrange by day, or organize in other ways.

USB flash drive:

  • All files from the downloadable starter kit (see above), including sing-along music videos and MP3 song files.
  • Includes same reproduction license: make copies from electronic files or physical documents.


  • Two Invitation posters (11"x17")

Sample child booklets (not reproducible - purchase additional copies separately)

  • My Book of Stories (for early childhood)
  • Guide Book (for grades 1-5)

This program is a collaboration between The Pastoral Center and MennoMedia. Adapted and reprinted with permission from Who Is My Neighbor. © 2019 MennoMedia, Inc., Harrisonburg, VA 22803. All rights reserved.

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This is a downloadable, reproducible product with some restrictions. Please read the full license terms below.

Product License

Your License. You are allowed to make unlimited copies of this eResource for use within your own VBS, with the exception of the music and child booklets. If you wish to send the music home with your families, you must purchase bulk-priced CDs from us for that purpose. Booklets are sold only in print. If you serve more than one VBS, each should purchase its own license. You may not post our eResources to any web site (without explicit permission to do so). Thank you for cooperating with our honor system regarding our eResource licenses.

Product code: VBS602
Dimensions: 10½" x 12"
Length: 240 pages
The Pastoral Center & MennoMedia