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Way of the Cross series (The Pastoral Center) Vía Crucis con San Óscar Romero

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Way of the Cross series (The Pastoral Center)
Vía Crucis con San Óscar Romero
79¢ - $1.95
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Available in both English & Spanish

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Lead your people in the Stations of the Cross with the powerful words and example of newly canonized St. Óscar Romero!

En su homilía en la Misa de canonización de San Óscar Romero, mártir y arzobispo, el Papa Francisco llamo la atención hacia Monseñor Romero por su “valiente elección a arriesgarlo todo para seguir” a Jesús.  Se hizo amigo de todo campesino, cada homilía, cada acto de violencia que denunció lo llevaba más cerca de la Cruz, hasta el 24 de marzo de 1980, una bala por un asesino dio muerte a Mons. Óscar Romero.

Nosotros también estamos llamados hacia la Cruz a declarar con nuestras palabras y nuestras vidas que nos encontramos unidos con aquellos que hoy están siendo aplastados por las fuerzas de la codicia y la violencia. Estas meditaciones sobre el Vía Crucis pretenden llevarnos a los pies de la Cruz, no sólo la Cruz que adorna un santuario hermoso (pero seguro), sino la Cruz del sufrimiento de las personas y el mundo de hoy. San Óscar Romero, ruega por nosotros.

In his homily for the canonization mass of Saint Óscar Romero, martyr and Archbishop, Pope Francis drew attention to Romero’s “courageous choice to risk everything to follow” Jesus. Each peasant he befriended, each homily he gave, each act of violence he denounced brought him closer to the cross, until, on March 24, 1980, Óscar Romero was killed by an assassin’s bullet.

We, too, are called to approach the cross--to declare with our words and our lives that we stand with those who today are being crushed by the forces of greed and violence. These meditations on the Stations of the Cross are meant to lead us to the foot of the cross, not only the literal cross adorning a beautiful (but safe) sanctuary, but the suffering of people and the planet today.  Saint Óscar Romero, pray for us.

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Format: Booklet
Product code: PC304
Dimensions: 5½" x 8½"
Length: 32 pages
The Pastoral Center
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Written by Fumiaki Tosu


Fumi Tosu has taught Religious Studies and Social Justice in high school and college. He is a member of the Catholic Worker movement and is a popular speaker on nonviolence and spirituality. He received his Master of Divinity degree from the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.