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A Stranger and You Welcomed Me Homilies and Reflections for Cycle B

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A Stranger and You Welcomed Me
Homilies and Reflections for Cycle B
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After its first, successful and award winning book series of homilies and reflections for the three liturgical cycles, Clear Faith Publishing has launched its new series! So, once again, some of the finest homilists have come together to build a new compilation of homilies and reflections beginning with Cycle B of the Liturgical Year. A Stranger and You Welcomed Me breaks open the Sunday and Feast Days readings in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and spiritual food for the reader. Under the moniker ‘Homilists for the Homeless,’ the gift of these preachers makes it possible for proceeds from the sale of every book to go toward charities that welcome the stranger in our lives.

Contributing authors:

  • Kevin Ahern
  • Bill Bausch
  • Margaret Blackie, PhD
  • Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber
  • Greg Boyle, SJ
  • Rev. Mark Bozzuti-Jones, PhD
  • Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, PhD
  • Donna Ciangio, OP
  • Rory Cooney
  • Katherine Cordova, SCHC
  • Dave Davis
  • Becky Eldredge
  • Robert Ellsberg
  • Massimo Faggioli
  • Michellle Francl-Donnay
  • Deacon Ron Hanson
  • Marty Haugen
  • Dan Horan, OFM, PhD
  • Mike Joncas
  • Deacon Greg Kandra
  • Deacon Jim Knipper
  • Mike Leach
  • Rick Malloy, SJ
  • Ricky Manalo, CSP, PhD
  • James Martin, SJ
  • Shirin McArthur
  • Megan McKenna
  • Brian McLaren
  • Penny Nash
  • Dennis Plummer
  • Jan Richardson
  • V. Gene Robinson
  • Richard Rohr, OFM
  • Tim Shriver
  • Mary Sperry
  • Fran Rossi Szpylczyn
  • Pay Wenrick
  • Phyllis Zagano, PhD
Format: Paperback book
Product code: CF082416
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Length: 286 pages
Clear Faith Publishing
Written by Homilists For The Homeless