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Wild Hope Stories of Lent from the Vanishing

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Wild Hope
Stories of Lent from the Vanishing
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Pangolins and polar bears, olms, lemurs, and leopards. We share this beautiful blue-green globe with creatures magnificent, delicate, intricate—and now vanishing at a faster rate than at any other time in Earth’s history. Spend Lent with twenty-five of these wild ones. Vivid descriptions of their lives will fill readers with wonder—and grief at what they suffer on a planet shaped by human choices. Their stories thaw our stiff hearts and wake us to greater compassion—which is what Lent, meaning “springtime,” has always been for. These stories also wake in us a wild hope that from all this death and ruin, something new could rise. The promise of Lent is that something new will rise. In fact, as these stories also attest, our hope, though wild, is not impossible and is already loose in the world.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: PP601994
Dimensions: 7" x 8"
Length: 128 pages
Paraclete Press
ISBN: 9781640601994
1-2 copies $17.59 each
3-9 copies $16.79 each
10-49 copies $15.99 each
50-99 copies $15.59 each
100+ copies $14.99 each
Written by David G. Klein and Gayle Boss


Wild Hope is the only book whose table of contents alone gave me chills. Here’s the deal: the living world, life on planet Earth, is sacred. Author Gayle Boss yearns to show us that we live in a miracle. And she succeeds in showing us that we are not alone on this holy planet. This is a beautifully elegant, deeply excellent book, pursued by grace on every page, in every stunning illustration.
Carl Safina, ecologist, NYT bestselling author of Beyond Words and Becoming Wild; MacArthur Fellow and founder of The Safina Center
Gayle Boss writes vividly of wild, imperiled creatures as expressions of God's own self—and of God's own suffering. What better subject for Lent?
Richard Rohr, OFM, founder, The Center for Action and Contemplation
An overpoweringly beautiful little book.
Bill McKibben, winner of the Gandhi Prize, the Thomas Merton Prize, and the Right Livelihood Prize


Gayle Boss writes in Michigan, where she was born and raised. Her life-long love of animals and her immersion in spiritual texts and practices have melded in poems and essays that explore how relationships with animals specifically, and an attentive presence in the natural world generally, restore us to our deepest selves. The mother of two grown sons, she lives in Grand Rapids with her husband.