Let Scripture scholar and teacher Art Zannoni lead you and your group through a prayerful and powerful treatment of the roots of stewardship as they are found in the texts of the Bible. Each session begins and ends with prayer, and each covers a key topic in stewardship.
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This reproducible eResource is sold with a lifetime license for use within a parish, school, or diocesan office. You are allowed to make unlimited copies for use within your own community. You may also email these to members of your team or participants in your program. If you serve more than one parish or school, each should purchase its own license. You may not post our eResources to any web site without explicit permission to do so. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for cooperating with our honor system regarding our product licenses.
Format: | eResource |
Product code: | AZSC203 |
Dimensions: | 8½" x 11" |
Length: | 25 pages |
Publisher: |
The Pastoral Center
Arthur E. Zannoni is from Roseville, Minnesota (a suburb of the Twin Cities) and is an award winning freelance writer, Scripture scholar, teacher, theologian, workshop leader and consultant in the areas of biblical studies and Christian-Jewish relations. He taught on the faculty of the School of Divinity of the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN) from 1984-1991 and in the Murray Institute from 1991-1994. He helped establish, in 1985, along with Rabbi Max A Shapiro, the Center for Jewish Christian Learning at the University of St. Thomas. He is a two-time recipient of the Uhrig Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching and received the Temple Israel (Minneapolis) Interreligious Award for his work in promoting Catholic Jewish dialogue in the Twin Cities.
Zannoni, a prolific writer has published numerous articles in periodicals as well as editing two books and authoring four. He is a two-time recipient of awards for excellence in writing from the Catholic Press Association. He is an engaging speaker and a master teacher who combines the best of scholarship with humor and clear explanation. He is also the author of Journey through Advent, Journey through the Scrutinies, and The Gospel's Legacy: The Seven Last Words of Jesus, Spoken from the Cross.
The father of two married adult children, a nineteen year old son and a grandfather of five grandchildren, he and his wife Kathleen live near a lake in Minnesota.