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Literary Portals to Prayer series William Shakespeare Illuminated by The Message

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Illuminated by The Message
Literary Portals to Prayer series
William Shakespeare
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William Shakespeare... Illuminated by the Messageby Ron Marasco - 120 pages - Paperback bookIn his introduction, Ron Marasco writes of William Shakespeare: "Hidden beneath a surface of what seem to be purely ‘secular’ plays and poetry, is a depth of soul that literary-critics have long called ‘genius,’ but that people of faith would recognize as prayer." Accompanying passages from The Message shine a light on works such as Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and The Sonnets, to reveal the prayers written into Shakespeare’s plays and hidden in the rafters of his poetry.

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Product code: AP1108
Dimensions: 5" x 7½"
ACTA Publications
ISBN: 9780879466213