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Please Pass the Faith The Art of Spiritual Grandparenting

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The Art of Spiritual Grandparenting
Please Pass the Faith
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From a Mennonite Christian perspective

By 2030, almost one-third of North Americans will be over age 65. How will this affect the church?

Author Elsie Rempel believes that the swelling ranks of new seniors represent a huge spiritual resource. In Please Pass the Faith she draws from real life and from Christian formation experts in helping seniors and other adults foster relationships with children and youth. She also offers practical ideas for integrating children and youth into church life-all the while nurturing one's own spiritual life as an elder.

Preface and Acknowledgements
Introduction: Who and What Are Grandparents?

1. Finding Our Bearings: What Grandparenting Means Today
2. Recognizing, Tending, and Sharing Spirituality
3. How Does Faith Grow?
4. How Does Faith Mature?
5. Tapping the Spiritual Potential of Family Stories and Holiday Celebrations

A Prayer for Faithful Generations
The Author


Who and what are grandparents? Biologically, they are the parents of young people's parents. Sociologically, at least in many traditional cultures, they are the elders, those older people who are revered as the keepers of wisdom. They are often entrusted with major childcare responsibilities, and that gives them a unique opportunity to influence and guide their young charges.

In North America's current youth-glorifying culture, grandparents are sometimes viewed as those who have been left behind, who can't keep up with change. It is common for North American grandparents and grandchildren to live with geographic distance between them. Many of them make the best of exciting and exhausting periodic visits and electronic connections such as emails, social networks, and video chat tools.

For Christians, however, family is more than biological. Jesus redefined family as those who seek and do God's will (Mark 3:34-35). In his last actions on the cross, he created a brand new configuration of family when he named John as the son for his mother, Mary (John 19:26-27). The cross brings the family of Jesus and the disciples of Jesus together, forging a new kind of family. In the book of Acts we read that Jesus' siblings and mother have all claimed a place in the early church, in this reconfigured family of God. Claiming our place in the family of God today opens untapped potential for young people and older people to find each other as spiritual grandparents and grandchildren.

As we seek new and faithful ways of being the church, and to satisfy our needs for relationships across generations, our congregations build family connections through various activities. Intergenerational game nights, storytelling events, and service projects help us get to know and bless each other. In one congregation, a senior woman wanted to help the youth pastor so he asked her to become a prayer ally for one of the congregation's youth. This commitment grew into a ministry across generations. Youth compiled autobiographies with pictures and gave them to seniors who wished to become their friends and prayer supporters. In another congregation, several sets of grandparents whose children and grandchildren live far away made connections with young families who don't have local grandparents. They now relate to each other much like biological families. When my grandchildren moved away for a year, I responded to my own "empty lap syndrome" by teaching a preschool Sunday school class.

God wants us to be in healthy, affectionate relationships with people across the generational spread so that we can be blessed by the unique experiences and perspectives of each age group. Our congregations are a great place to foster such relationships. As we do so, we align with God's intentions for the church and the relational health of God's family is nurtured.

Sometimes relating to our grandchildren and the church's grandchildren overlaps. An eleven year old urban boy told me that he felt closest to God when he was in church with his grandparents in a rural Saskatchewan village. "There were more old people there and they knew so much about God," he said.

Our world and our churches need more grandparents like that.

This book is for older people who wish to grow into such grandparents, whether they seek to fill that role in the lives of their biological grandchildren or in the lives of other young people in their church community. Younger adults may also find this book useful to gain insight into their children's faith development and into their own role in restoring the home as a domestic church. It could help them anticipate their own grandparenting. They might want to pass it on to an older mentor or relative after adding their comments in the margins.

May these reflections find resonance with people of faith who want to serve in grandparenting roles, and with all those who have a heart for passing on a legacy of faith to younger generations.

Product Preview

Format: Paperback book
Product code: MM9642
Dimensions: 5" x 7.99"
Length: 136 pages
MennoMedia / Herald Press
ISBN: 9780836196429
Written by Elsie H. R. Rempel


Each page sings Rempel's commitment to faith transmission through activities, presence, and storytelling.
Marlene Harder Bogard, minister of Christian formation, Western District Conference of Mennonite Church USA
Elsie Rempel applies her zest, experience, and creativity as she weaves together the gifts and needs of children and sen¬iors. Both generations have a higher calling to be the church together. We recommend this book as an instrument in revitalizing the health of both family and church.
Robert J. and Irene Suderman, retired leaders in Mennonite Church Canada
Christian faith needs to be shared in creative, loving, and challenging ways with each new generation. I encourage the older generation (and the younger ones, too) to read, discuss, and enact Elsie Rempel's thought-provoking book.
Larry Kehler, retired pastor, journalist, and administrator with Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Central Committee
Understanding each phase of a grandchild's development can go a long way toward knowing how to encourage them on their faith journey. I highly recommend this book as a helpful study for senior groups.
Marian Wiens, retired marriage and family therapist, mission worker with the Korea Anabaptist Center