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More of the Holy Spirit How to Keep the Fire Burning In Our Hearts

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How to Keep the Fire Burning In Our Hearts
More of the Holy Spirit
$9.56 - $11.95
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In this book, Sr. Ann Shields offers us an inspirational message that will help us persist in prayer and keep asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day. By taking a serious look at our hearts and repenting where we have strayed, and by rededicating ourselves as disciples of Christ, we can reignite the fire that once burned within us.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: IC252298
Dimensions: 5.25" x 8"
Length: 159 pages
Word Among Us Press
ISBN: 9781593252298
1-2 copies $10.76 each
3-5 copies $10.16 each
6+ copies $9.56 each
Written by Sr. Ann Shields, SGL