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Kids' Travel Guide series Kids' Travel Guide to the 23rd Psalm 13 Interactive Lessons

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13 Interactive Lessons
Kids' Travel Guide series
Kids' Travel Guide to the 23rd Psalm
$18.70 - $20.90
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Each resource in this best-selling series has 13 lessons which are...

  • Multi-aged--perfect for kids from Kindergarten through 5th grade.
  • Flexible--works for 2 kids...12 kids...20 kids!
  • Easy-to-teach--so even beginners lead great lessons--week after week!

Every lesson is packed with activities, stories, creative options, and take-home pages that kids tuck into their very own travel journals! Plus there are helpful Tour Guide Tips for teachers and Scenic Routes that stretch lessons with exciting extras.

This 13-week Scripture-based exploration of the graciousness and peace of the 23rd Psalm—one of the most loved passages of the Bible. But the comfort it promises isn’t just for times of peace when life is good and we’re certain of God’s presence. Instead it reassures us most vividly of God’s protection and loving care in our most difficult times—in the darkest valley and in the presence of our enemies. Kids' Travel Guide™ to the 23rd Psalm is perfect for reassuring children that they can trust God’s love for them in every circumstance.

In each of these 13 lessons, you will take your kids on a travel adventure with:

  • In-Focus Verse around Psalm 23.
  • Departure Prayer designed for children to add their own words of prayer.
  • First-Stop Discoveries: Narrated enactment or group activity exploring the lesson's Bible Story.
  • Story Excursions: Bible events or Scripture passages that illustrate a Bible truth to support each concept. 
  • Adventures in Growing: Activities show kids how to apply what they've learned to their daily lives!
  • Souvenirs: Kids create pages that go into a notebook (their very own travel journal!) to remind them of the lesson's Bible point.

Table of Contents

  • Journey 1: The Lord Is My Shepherd
    • God loves and watches over us.
  • Journey 2: All That I Need
    • We belong to God.
    • “The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.”
  • Journey 3: At Rest in Green Meadows
    • We’re in God’s care.
    • “He lets me rest in green meadows.”
  • Journey 4: Beside Peaceful Streams
    • God asks us to trust and follow.
    • “He leads me beside peaceful streams.”
  • Journey 5: New Strength
    • God’s power makes us strong.
    • “He renews my strength.”
  • Journey 6: Along Right Paths
    • God shows us the way we should go.
    • “He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.”
  • Journey 7: Through the Darkest Valley
    • God helps us overcome our fears.
    • “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.”
  • Journey 8: Protection and Comfort
    • God protects us from harm.
    • “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
  • Journey 9: A Feast for Us
    • God surprises us with blessings.
    • “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.”
  • Journey 10: Anointed With Oil
    • God heals us.
    • “You honor me by anointing my head with oil.”
  • Journey 11: Overflowing With Blessings
    • God gives us good things.
    • “My cup overflows with blessings.”
  • Journey 12: Unfailing Love
    • God is always with us.
    • “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life.”
  • Journey 13: The House of the Lord Forever
    • God promises us eternal life.
    • “And I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”

Product Preview

Format: Paperback book
Product code: IC440052
Dimensions: 8½" x 11"
Length: 113 pages
Group Publishing
ISBN: 9780764440052
1-2 copies $20.90 each
3-5 copies $19.80 each
6+ copies $18.70 each