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Growing Up Catholic Faith Activities Faith Activities on the Bible

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Available by February 1, 2022
Growing Up Catholic Faith Activities
Faith Activities on the Bible
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Each title in this eResource series includes dozens of short, faith-filled, catechetical activities. We include catechist lesson plans, activity pages, and editable, step-by-step parent instruction pages—all reproducible. Use these resources for whole family events, in the classroom, or as send-home activities. These titles are new editions of books that originally appeared in the Enriching Faith series from Twenty-Third Publications. Buy the whole series as a discount bundle here.

Give students the keys to unlock Scripture with these 30 fun and engaging lessons that equip them with concepts and skills needed for biblical literacy. Drawing on children's familiar experiences, each activity helps you teach about everything from salvation history to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Here, too, are creative ways to introduce biblical lands and cultures, versions of the Bible. biblical reference tools, and techniques for using Sripture as a basis for prayer. Each one-page lesson gives you a clear objective and offers:

  • Essential background for catechists and teachers, plus additional teaching ideas.
  • Simple, straightforward steps for developing the topic and engaging students.
  • Ready-to-go reproducible activity sheets featuring memorable activities like prayer services, plays, art projects, and more.
  • Adaptable, step-by-step parent instructions are also provided for use in whole family or intergenerational settings, or as send-home activities.

Previously published by Twenty-Third Publications (ISBN 9781627850278).

Product Preview

Format: eResource
Product code: GUC853
Dimensions: 8½" x 11"
Length: 126 pages
The Pastoral Center
Written by Sr. Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND


Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND, is an editor, speaker, and the author of eighty-plus books on religious education and spirituality, including a novel, The Fisherman's Wife: The Gospel According to St. Peter's Spouse.  A Sister of Notre Dame, of Chardon, Ohio, she was a pastoral associate at St. Dominic Church in Shaker Heights, Ohio. She has taught every grade from first to twelfth and has been vocation director for her community and for the Cleveland Diocese. Learn more about Sr. Kathleen at

View all resources by Sr. Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND