Brother Francis Coloring Books Let's Pray Coloring Book
$2.99$2.40 - $2.70 -
Coach 365 Days of Inspiration for Coaches and Players
$15.96 - $19.95 -
Little Rock Scripture Study The Eucharist in Scripture
$17.95$12.56 - $17.85 -
Brother Francis DVDs The Kingdom God's Reign on Earth as it is in Heaven
$12.99$10.40 - $11.70 -
The Jesus Stories DVD Collection The Jesus Stories DVD Volume 1
$9.99$8.00 - $9.00 -
The Jesus Stories DVD Collection The Jesus Stories DVD Volume 3
$9.99$8.00 - $9.00 -
The Jesus Stories DVD Collection The Jesus Stories DVD Volume 2
$9.99$8.00 - $9.00 -
The Meal That Reconnects Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis
$29.95$22.46 - $26.35
The women and men who work as catechists in our parishes are given the noble task of helping others meet Christ and grow in faith. Whether you work in the RCIA, the elementary program, youth ministry, adult education, baptism or marriage prep -- or any other catechetical ministry, thanks for all you give to the church!