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70 Church Year Lesson Starters for Kids and Those who Teach Them

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70 Church Year Lesson Starters for Kids
and Those who Teach Them
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From poster projects to prayer prompts, this engaging and meaningful collection of activities spans the church seasons from Advent and Christmas to Lent, the Triduum, Easter, and Ordinary Time. You’ll find a variety of projects, ideas, and prompts to accommodate many learning styles, personalities, age groups, and settings. Organized by season, here are craft projects, service ideas, games, sharing questions, small group suggestions, prayers, ideas for exploring Scripture, and much more. Ideal for parish, school, or family settings.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: TT853057
Dimensions: 5½" x 8½"
Length: 96 pages
Twenty-Third Publications
Written by Pat Mathson


Patricia Mathson was Director of Religious Education at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Des Moines, Iowa and holds a Master's Degree in Religious Education from the University of Dallas. She contributed to the popular Celebrating Saint column for Catechist magazine and is the author of numerous resource books for religious educators, including Faith Activities on Service and Time to Pray.

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