Effective Practices for Dynamic Youth Ministry
$18.75$15.00 - $16.88 -
Teens and Parents Sessions for Growing in Faith Together
$22.95$18.36 - $20.66 -
Youth Ministry and Parents
$18.75$15.00 - $16.88 -
Getaways with God Youth Retreats for Any Schedule
$26.25$21.00 - $23.63 -
Dominga's Wonderful Year/El año maravilloso de dominga PRODUCT DETAILS
$16.95$12.71 - $14.91 -
Tough Choices Bringing Moral Issues Home
$21.95$16.46 - $19.31 -
Sex, Love, and You Making the Right Decision
$15.95$11.96 - $14.03 -
Seeking Doing Theology with Girls
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Living the Works of Mercy
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Digging Deep Fostering the Spirituality of Young Men
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Growing Teen Disciples Strategies for REALLY EFFECTIVE Youth Ministry
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Becoming a New Testament Leader Biblical Reflections for Training Youth Ministry Leaders
$34.50$27.60 - $31.05 -
Witnesses of Hope Collection Acting Through History Builders of Hope Book 3
$14.75$11.80 - $13.28 -
Witnesses of Hope Collection Activos en la Historia Forjadores de Esperanza Libro 3
$14.75$11.80 - $13.28 -
Vocations - An Inside Look Series Single Life An Inside Look
$10.50$8.40 - $9.45 -
Vocations - An Inside Look Series Brothers An Inside Look
$10.50$8.40 - $9.45 -
ScriptureWalk Series ScriptureWalk Junior High People of Promise
$27.25$21.80 - $24.53 -
Prayer Celebrating and Reflecting with Girls
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Church Women Probing History with Girls
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Retreats Deepening the Spirituality of Girls
$28.25$22.60 - $25.43 -
Youth & HS Campus Ministry
The work you do for your young people after the elementary years—with junior high, senior high, and parish youth ministry programs—is vital! For many, these formative years are the ones in which faith is set for life. In these years, they need the love and care of parents, parish, and those of you doing faith formation with them.
Here at The Pastoral Center we are aware of this and we are here to support you. Browse through the resources offered below and choose the ones you need.