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Wonderfully Made A Weekly Journal for Faith-Filled Moms-to-Be

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Wonderfully Made
A Weekly Journal for Faith-Filled Moms-to-Be
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Expecting a baby is a miraculous gift from God.This weekly journal walks moms-to-be as they experience all the joys and challenges of pregnancy – the first thumps of that tiny heartbeat, the unexpected food cravings, morning sickness and overwhelming love for the new life growing inside.
    Written through her own pregnancy experience and grounded in Sacred Scripture, Clarissa Aljentera’s honest reflections speak to the realities, emotions, hopes and fears of faith-filled moms-to-be.
    With this journal as their guide, it allows expextant mothers to take a few moments each week to pause, pray and reflect upon the momentous experience of carrying and bringing a child into the world.

Format: Paperback book
Product code: TT854689
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Length: 88 pages
Twenty-Third Publications
Written by Clarissa Aljentera


This simple journal is a beautiful way to commemorate those special weeks of anticipating the arrival of a new baby to love. A creative and thoughtful gift for any expectant mother!
Danielle Bean, Brand Manager,


Clarissa Valbuena Aljentera finds joy in her vocation as wife and mother and she draws strength and comfort from Sacred Scripture. Clarissa lives in Chicago and works in ministry.