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The Spirituality of Parenting Connecting Heart and Soul

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The Spirituality of Parenting
Connecting Heart and Soul
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Christian parenting is a high calling! For parents to lead their children into the heart of the Lord requires first that their own spirituality grow and develop with their children. Here Kathy Hendricks, long a champion of strong parenting and family life, provides a blueprint for parents as they seek to introduce their children to the wonders of faith and the gift of a deep, Catholic spiritual life.

Formation in our faith tradition is an ongoing endeavor; allowing this learning to inform our minds, to touch our hearts, and to find expression in the way we live is an essential part of this process. The Adult Faith Formation Library offers a valuable collection of titles that are a reliable resource for information, formation and transformation in the Catholic tradition. Whether used in formal educational settings, or in less formal learning communities, the Adult Faith Formation Library series offers faith formation in an accessible, flexible format for those who seek to live their faith in vibrant and informed ways in today’s world.

This series is perfect for
Adults in a faith community who would like to grow through spiritual reading and reflection
Parish/pastoral ministers who seek support in their personal and professional development
Pastoral teams or school faculties who desire to enrich or further explore their mission
Individuals who want to deepen their own understanding of the faith

Each volume’s user-friendly format provides:
In introduction to the topic
Four chapters designed for reading in one sitting/session
Questions for personal reflection and journaling, or for conversation starters in a team or learning community
A suggested reading list for further exploration

Product Preview

Format: Paperback book
Product code: TT851275
Dimensions: 5½" x 8½"
Length: 96 pages
Twenty-Third Publications
Written by Kathy Hendricks