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Storytelling Imagination and Faith

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Imagination and Faith
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In re-releasing this best-selling classic book, <i>Storytelling – Imagination and Faith</i>, Fr. Bill Bausch brings to life the art of stories and of storytelling. Weaving together stories that have been collected over the years, he celebrates the ability of storytelling to transform the heart of the reader. No doubt, this book will hold a treasured spot on the shelves of preachers, ministers, teachers, parents – and anyone who wants to learn the power of the story! For stories remain the repositories of our successes and failures, our dreams and our hopes, our faith and despair. And we remember them. This, then, is what you will find in this book: stories, secular and sacred, that provoke, entertain, entice and challenge.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: CF0826
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Length: 276 pages
Clear Faith Publishing
ISBN: 9781940414027
1-2 copies $16.15 each
3-5 copies $15.30 each
6+ copies $14.45 each
Written by Fr. William J. Bausch


As I began to peruse William J. Bausch’s Storytelling: Imagination and Faith, a pleasant surprise was in store for me. Scholarship was there, superbly so—but so was the heart! I read the book with consuming interest and growing delight. The research was monumental, yet the workmanship while scholarly was not pedantic. Bill Bausch has compiled a treasury of stories from which one may draw things new and old. It is a cellar filled with vintage wine!
John R. Aurelio
author of Story Sunday and Gather Around
Preachers and church educators always ask, ‘Where can I get some stories?’ The answer is Bill Bausch’s new book. Here is a work on narrative theology which combines theory and practice. It brings together philosophical insights into the storytelling process and stories galore!
John Shea
author of Stories of God and An Experience Named Spirit
Bill Bausch has made a valuable contribution to the role of storytelling and imagination within our ministry efforts. His book should assist us all to understand the theology of storytelling, and to become better storytellers.
Youth Ministry Resource Network
Recommended for liturgists, catechists, pastors, and parents.
National Bulletin on Liturgy
By providing examples for every theory, and theory for every example, the book itself becomes an excellent teacher. It completes and fleshes out much contemporary writing on story, and puts the best sources in our hands in just one volume.
Maria Harris Andover, Newton Theological School
It is storytellers like Bill Bausch who will keep the faith alive in our highly rational, scientific, and theological secular culture.
Dennis Geaney, OSA
co-author of Parish Celebrations
Bausch not only informs, but nurtures the reader. I think this book is a must for pastors and church educators.
Griggs Educational Resources
All who are involved in sharing faith as preachers, teachers, and parents will find this book both delightful and helpful.
Sr. Alice Doll, OSF
St. Cloud Visitor
This is a volume that one would like to see in the hands of every priest, to enrich the sources of his pastoral care and homiletic effectiveness.
Agnes Cunningham, S.S.C.M.
St. Mary of the Lake Seminary


Rev. William J. Bausch is a parish priest of the diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. He is the award-winning author of numerous books on parish ministry, the sacraments, Church history, storytelling, and homiletics. His book, Traditions, Tensions, Transitions in Ministry received an honorable mention in 1983 from the Catholic Press Association; Storytelling: Imagination and Faith was awarded second place in 1985 for best pastoral work; The Total Parish Manual won first place in 1995; Brave New Church won first place in 2002; and Once Upon a Gospel won third place in 2009.

He was awarded the President’s Award in 1996 from the National Federation of Priests’ Councils for Parish Leadership, the Catholic Library Association’s Aggiornamento Award for Notable Contribution to Parish Life in 2004 and the Walter J. Burghardt, S. J. Preaching award in 2008 for his contribution to Catholic preaching. He has lectured and given workshops at such colleges and universities as Notre Dame; Sacred Heart in Fairfield, Connecticut; Boston College; Charles Carroll in Cleveland; and in most U.S. dioceses as well as abroad. His latest book is The Story Revealed, a book of homilies.

First and foremost, however, though retired from the pastorate, he remains happily engaged in his first love: being a parish priest active in assisting at three parishes, writing, and giving lectures and retreats.

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