Sex, Love, and Families Catholic Perspectives
$34.95$26.21 - $30.75 -
Unfolding the Mystery of Christ Sunday by Sunday Formation of Catechumens
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The Meal That Reconnects Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis
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"Don’t You Dare Forgive. Unless…" Finding What You Most Deeply Want
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The Order of Baptism of Children - People's Edition English Second Edition
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The Order of Baptism of Children English Second Edition
$39.95$29.96 - $35.15 -
Eating Together, Becoming One Taking Up Pope Francis's Call to Theologians
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Alive in the Word Baptism Alive in Christ
$7.95$5.56 - $7.85 -
I'm Catholic. Now What?
$19.95$15.96 - $17.96 -
Alive in the Word Forgiveness Choosing to Receive and to Give
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A Ritual for Laypersons Rites for Holy Communion and the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying
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A Ritual for Laypersons Rites for Holy Communion and the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying
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Threshold Bible Study series Forgiveness
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My First Communion Journal
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Los Ninos y Las Oraciones Prayer Card Pack of 25
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Divine Blessing Liturgical Formation in the RCIA
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Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too)
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Confession Doorway to Forgiveness
$28.25$21.19 - $25.43 -
Eastern Wisdom for Western Minds
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In every parish, sacramental formation is an essential and central part of all religious education. For us Catholics the sacraments are a key, life-changing point-of-contact with both the community of the parish as well as with God himself.
We take this very seriously and we provide a host of outstanding, best-in-the-field support resources to help you. We cover every sacrament, so look over the list below and choose the sacrament in which you're engaged.