Author: Bill Huebsch y traducido por Giovanni Perez
8.5 X 11" -- 30 pages -- fully reproducible
Una parte muy significativa de la Catequesis para toda la comunidad es el que la parroquia ofrezca oportunidades de conversiףn. El retiro “Vivir en Cristo” es una oportunidad excelente para lograr esto, ya que es un retiro sencillo, y que se adapta al horario de muchas personas; no demanda un fin de semana completo, y se deberםa de ofrecer libre de costo para los participantes.
Product License
This reproducible eResource is sold with a lifetime license for use within a parish, school, or diocesan office. You are allowed to make unlimited copies for use within your own community. You may also email these to members of your team or participants in your program. If you serve more than one parish or school, each should purchase its own license. You may not post our eResources to any web site without explicit permission to do so. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for cooperating with our honor system regarding our product licenses.
Format: | eResource |
Product code: | WHRT102 |
Dimensions: | 8½" x 11" |
Length: | 30 pages |
Publisher: |
The Pastoral Center
Bill Huebsch is an author, theologian, former director of religious education, and long-time Catholic publishing professional. He is also a husband, a widely-published and award-winning author, a gardener, a university professor, and a pretty qualified corkscrew operator. He has been a farmer, a marketing director, arts administrator, director of religious education, and diocesan administrator. Bill has published nearly thirty books as well as numerous articles, booklets, and screenplays.
Bill is the founder of the online Pastoral Center and past president of Twenty-Third Publications. Bill writes and teaches extensively on the catechetical mission of the Church and on the importance of continuing to implement the vision of the Second Vatican Council.