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Prayer Card - Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio

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Prayer Card - Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio
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Prayer on the back:

Saint José,

You have been such an example of courage and faith even in the face of great difficulty and pain. Help me to be as full of the truth of God as you were, that I may be bold in my conviction, strong in my faith and as much of a shining witness as you are.

Dear Jesus, may all believers be as bold to preach Your message and to be a living example of what it means to follow You, as dear José. “Viva Cristo Rey!”


2.5 x 4.5

Fully laminated


Format: card
Product code: HE-PC-JSR
Dimensions: 2½" x 4½"
Herald Entertainment
1-2 copies 72¢ each
3-9 copies 68¢ each
10-49 copies 64¢ each
50-99 copies 63¢ each
100+ copies 60¢ each