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Nuts & Bolts of Daily Spirituality Practical Steps to Draw Closer to God

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Nuts & Bolts of Daily Spirituality
Practical Steps to Draw Closer to God
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Christian life is a mystery, says Father Knight. The saints make it look easy, but for most of us, putting divine love into practice can take a minor miracle. Until this book came along. Here are practical tips and simple habits you can start doing right now to help you:

  • enrich your prayer life
  • get more out of the Mass
  • deepen your relationships
  • discover what’s mystical in your life
  • get to know God as deeply and passionately as God wants to know you.

Direct and refreshingly simple, these workable solutions might have you wondering if it’s really this easy to grow into “that fullness of life that is the perfection of love.” “Father Knight assures us that it is. The perfect book for those looking to grow their faith-life, one step at a time.”

From a varied background as missionary, teacher, pastor, professor, retreat director, and campus minister, Father Knight’s ministry has come to focus on making mystical experience commonplace in conscious Christian living.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: TT959204
Dimensions: 5½" x 8½"
Length: 112 pages
Twenty-Third Publications
Written by Fr. David Knight


Bestselling author and spiritual writer FR. DAVID KNIGHT, who passed away in 2021, brought to his writing a varied background as a missionary, teacher, pastor, professor, retreat director, and campus minister. His landmark book, His Way: An Everyday Plan for Following Jesus, is used in diocesan renewal programs throughout North America. He has written for publications including U.S. Catholic, Marian Helper, The Sign, America, and Common Sense. Father Knight's ministry lives on through the nonprofit Immersed in Christ, based in Germantown, TN.

View all resources by Fr. David M. Knight