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Mysteries in My Hands Young People, Life, and the Rosary 

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Mysteries in My Hands
Young People, Life, and the Rosary 
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Mysteries in My Hands is a book for today's older teens who want to learn how to pray the rosary. The reader will discover why this prayer is important to Catholic faith by understanding how the practice came to be. Scripture references, quotes from Pope John Paul II's Rosarium Virginis Mariae, the prayers used in the rosary, and a detailed outline of the beads are included. The connections between Jesus' and Mary's stories, as well as reflective writings from adults and young people, introduce readers to the importance of the rosary today. As this prayer returns to a place of renewed meaning, Mysteries in My Hands will be a useful tool for young people who want to learn the basics of a well-loved tradition.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: SM5034
Dimensions: 6" x 9.25"
Length: 128 pages
Saint Mary's Press
ISBN: 9780884898320
Edited by Barbara Murray