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Just a Little Bit More The Culture of Excess and the Fate of the Common Good

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The Culture of Excess and the Fate of the Common Good
Just a Little Bit More
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Written by T. Carlos Anderson
Paperback book -- 257 pages -- Blue Ocotillo Publishing -- 2014

Is America a Christian Nation? According to author T. Carlos Anderson, the true religion of the land is the confluence of commerce, materialism, and consumerism. Anderson, defining religion as "ultimate concern," claims our true devotion is found in material pursuits. It's been a good religion; it has fed, clothed, sheltered, and employed millions of Americans. It can go too far, however. When these pursuits become excessive, the religion breaks bad and the common good suffers.

T. Carlos (Tim) Anderson works as a bilingual protestant minister in Austin, Texas. He has previously lived and worked in Chicago, Houston, and Lima, Peru.

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Format: Paperback book
Product code: AP7173
Dimensions: 5.4" x 8.4"
Length: 257 pages
ACTA Publications
ISBN: 9780991532810
Written by T. Carlos Anderson