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Holiness Family Style More Family Spirituality

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More Family Spirituality
Holiness Family Style
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30 minutes ♦ DVD packaged in a simple paper envelope

With Kathy's permission, we are making this previously out of print DVD available for free online and on DVD for a nominal cost.

This 30-minute video may look a bit dated, but the content is still as relevant as ever. It is a good basis for a parent session, such as the "Saints Alive" Family Day Event found in our Gather Us In resource, in which it is referenced.

Holiness Family Style is a simple, heartwarming look at the extraordinary sacredness of the ordinary tasks of parenting. Dr. Chesto calls on parents to recognize their role in making God visible in the lives of their children, and her stories illustrate the ways children teach their parents about God.

This empowering video will help parents feel comfortable with their faith and be confident in their ability to share it with their children. Use this video with parents during their children’s sacramental preparation, in young-mother support groups, in the RCIA, at PTA meetings, in marriage preparation, and in religious education programs.

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Format: DVD
Product code: GUC503
Dimensions: 5½" x 5½"
The Pastoral Center
Written by Kathleen O'Connell Chesto


Dr. Kathleen O'Connell Chesto is a well-known author and speaker on family spirituality who draws on her many experiences as a wife and mother. She holds a doctor of ministry degree from Hartford Seminary and a master of arts in religious studies from St. Joseph College in West Hartford.

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