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Freedom and Forgiveness A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation

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Freedom and Forgiveness
A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation
$7.49 - $8.79
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In Freedom & Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Father Farren examines the history of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the ways it brings us into a deeper experience of God. This little book is simple, easy to read, and deeply prayerful. Father Paul’s Irish storytelling background comes to the forefront as he articulates simply but effectively the history of confession with a fresh look to the sacraments which profoundly centers a tone of New Evangelization.

Confession is somewhat daunting for many of us; yet Father Farren argues, Our understanding of the sacrament reveals our image of God. If our image of God is one of an uncompromising judge, then the sacrament can fill us with dread.”Instead of coming to confession to avoid judgment and hellfire, Father Farren paints a picture of the Sacrament of Reconciliation which presents a loving God who longs for a restored relationship with His children. It is an inspirational picture and one that is presented compellingly.

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Product code: PP4984
Dimensions: 4½" x 7"
Length: 90 pages
Paraclete Press
ISBN: 9781612614984
1-2 copies $8.79 each
3-9 copies $8.39 each
10-49 copies $7.99 each
50-99 copies $7.79 each
100+ copies $7.49 each
Written by Paul Farren and Catherine Dooley OP


In Father Farren’s short book, he explores how confession brings us into the realm of freedom and forgiveness, reveals the nature of God and of ourselves, and produces in us a proper sorrow for our sins. Father Farren also gives practical instruction for those who wish to enter deeper into the practice of Confession, both in its formal parish celebration and in the preparation for it.
The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, DD, JCL, Bishop of Green Bay
Bishop Garcia of Monterey, CA, asked me to review this book...I am not even done with it--will finish soon--but can already tell you it is one of the best I have seen of its genre.... Thank you for making the book attractive, easy to read, 'in touch' with current culture but not enslaved, and encouraging not only the sacrament but the experience of forgiving.
Fr Patrick Dooling, San Carlos Cathedral
Father Paul Farren in his book, Freedom and Forgiveness takes a hard look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation and looks at from the angle as God the Confessor. He writes, ‘What does God confess? He confesses his love, his forgiveness, his gratitude, his confidence, his trust, and his belief in us’. We often go around seeing God as unyielding judge who can’t wait to tally up our rights and wrongs, but fail to see the pursuing God of love for his creation... No, forgiveness is a process, sometimes life-long that is always moving from hurt, hate, and rejection towards acceptance, love, and forgiveness. I cannot say how much this book was a blessing that points myself and others towards God and others in forgiveness. The foundation of forgiveness is God’s love for his children, even in the death and resurrection of his Son. This book will surely challenge you to see forgiveness through the lens of God’s love and move you toward a life of forgiveness.

Spencer Cummins, For All it’s Worth

Fr. Paul Farren's book is a complete gem, encouraging people to go to confession and to allow that to be a significant way of growing towards God. It is not a particularly technical book, but focuses mainly on the nature of God, to whom we confess our sins, and of confession, an encounter with love. The wonder of this book is that it does not emphasize the centrality of our sinfulness, but emphasizes that God confesses his love and his trust in us. God is drawn to us, and waits for our response. A beautiful way to end God's wait is to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. We are encouraged to look into the eyes of God to realize the ways we may grow closer to the Divine.

Anglican Times-William Scott, an Anglican priest who serves as Domestic Chaplain to the Queen at Buckingham Palace

Father Paul Farren helps guide readers to a place where they want to re-examine this neglected sacrament so it becomes the mode of deeper relationship with God. In this precise book, he discusses this sacrament by looking more closely at the gift of freedom; who is God; who am I; forgiveness; sin; the sacrament; and celebrating the sacrament. His style is gentle yet persuasive as he invites Christ-followers to come closer to the God they love through introspection and outward lifestyle change.

Michele Howe, CBA Retailers and Resources

Over the summer I have had the time to read and re-read Freedom and Forgiveness. What a gift! It has enriched my understanding and experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and offered new insight.
The sacrament of Reconciliation is primarily the sacred place and moment when God confesses. The primary confessor in the sacrament is God. What does God confesses? God confesses his love, his forgiveness, his gratitude, his confidence, his trust and his belief in us. It is God's confession that enables us to confess.

  • The sacrament of Reconciliation, then, is an intense moment of prayer - an intense moment of awareness that God is looking at me lovingly and humbly. This is an incredible reality about our God.
  • Forgiveness then brings us peace and frees us to love. This is at the heart of of the sacrament of Reconciliation. It is a celebration of our freedom to love.

Throughout the book, Fr. Farren relates how this prayerful experience of God as confessor enables us to confess our sins, experience forgiveness, empowers us to face ourselves, and to reach out to others in love and compassion.

Dan Pierson, Faith Alive Books

Freedom and Forgiveness is an excellent resource for all those who teach the Sacrament of Reconciliation, for personal enrichment, and for small group and parish-wide presentations and discussions. Over the summer, I had the opportunity to read and re-read Freedom and Forgiveness. It has enriched my understanding and experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and offered new insight.

eCatechist: Ideas, Inspiration, Resources


Fr. Paul Farren, a native of Ireland, was ordained a priest in 1997. He studied in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and The Catholic University of America in Washington DC. He is currently Administrator of St. Eugene’s Cathedral and Long Tower Church, Templemore Parish, Diocesan Advisor in Post Primary Education, and Director of their Catechetical Centre.