Designed for personal reflection or small group use, this little booklet outlines the ten-step peace plan Our Lady of Fatima urged us to follow and encourages us to build on our relationship with the Lord.
Steps include:
- Honor the Lord
- Ask for Forgiveness
- Change Our Ways
- Embrace Suffering
- Just Say, “Yes!”
- Get the Word Out
- Don’t Be Afraid
- Pray Continuously
- Meditate on the Rosary
- Seek God’s Comfort
Each step is accompanied by a scripture verse from The Message: Catholic/Ecumenical Edition, and an action response.
These booklets offer a plan for the Fatima centennial year and for the rest of our lives. Author Mary K. Doyle implores us to take our efforts seriously. With God’s grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are the answer to world peace.
"No one can deny that any pockets of peace our planet is currently experiencing are isolated and fragile. The extent of violence seen globally is shameful and against God’s will. Economic disparity, religious conflicts, racial and gender discrimination, sexual identity issues, substance abuse, greed, jealousy, and vengefulness are global flash points. At any moment, these issues can, and do, spark firestorms harming and claiming innocent lives.
The Virgin Mary says it doesn’t have to be this way. World peace is possible, and Mary explained how it could be achieved a century ago. She clearly spelled out a plan in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, through a series of apparitions to three young shepherd children: ten-year-old Lucia dos Santos, nine-year-old Francisco Marto, and seven-year-old Jacinta Marto."
Mary K. Doyle’s writings are rich in content, easy and enjoyable to read, and avenues for personal growth and compassion. Her powerful faith and decades of writing experience is evident in her story-telling style. Mary has a Masters Degree in Pastoral Theology from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management and Leadership with Highest Distinction from Judson University.
Product Preview
Format: | Booklet |
Product code: | AP1147 |
Dimensions: | 8½" x 5½" |
Length: | 40 pages |
Publisher: |
ACTA Publications
ISBN: | 9780879465834 |
1-49 copies | 99¢ each |
50-99 copies | 89¢ each |
100-499 copies | 79¢ each |
500-999 copies | 69¢ each |
1000+ copies | 59¢ each |