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Creative Prayer

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Creative Prayer
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Creative Prayer is a modern classic for those seeking an approach to prayer, for those wishing to tap the prayer wisdom of the early fathers, and for those who want to set their lukewarm efforts on fire.

Herman (1875-1923) was a journalist who married a Presbyterian minister and wrote mainly on theological and devotional themes under the names E. Herman and Hugh Sinclair. This is an updated version of a previously published work, far more eloquent and luminous than most contemporary approaches to the topic of prayer in general. What distinguishes this approach is the primacy of prayer as a way of "heart-communion" with the Creator and not necessarily in the need for personal empowerment, enlightenment, or creativity for its own sake. Thoroughly analytical of the motivations that attend stages of development in prayer, Herman discusses silence, meditation, reading of the Gospels, and intercessory prayer in the context of love and humility as well as genuine doubt and human despair. A valuable classic on the subject of Christian prayer.


A practical help in understanding what prayer is, its disciplines, its scope (so much broader than I had realized) and an explanation of the obstacles to prayer. The author puts her finger on the soul of true prayer - the spirit of the cross." -- Elisabeth Elliot, author

Creative Prayer is a timeless classic for those seeking an approach to prayer, for those wishing to tap the prayer wisdom of the early fathers, and for those who want to set their lukewarm efforts on fire. Written at the turn of the century, the writings of Brigid E. Herman speak with a prophetic urge as approach the beginning of a new millenium. In a single, powerful stroke Herman teaches us, encourages us, and sets us well on our way toward what she describes as "that high commerce with God which is concentrated creative prayers." -- Wisconsin Bookwatch April 1998

This small book, a non-devotional text, offers an analysis of step-by-step progressive praying. Written by a Protestant woman in Britain shortly before her death in 1923, it is an overlooked classic.

In the preface, Herman states the purpose of her book is to elucidate the meaning and value of prayer as a creative process. In seven chapters, the author expands her definition of prayer to include the intricacies and obstacles inherent in such a pursuit.

She describes prayer as "the soul's pilgrimage from self to God" and admonishes us that behind a good prayer life is the cross of Christ. The determining impulse behind the cross is not sacrifice but obedience.

Small things matter to Herman. Take silence, for example. In order to hear the voice of God in our individual lives, we must eliminate the background noise of modern life.

Prayer is never an abstract rambling to be gotten through in a hurry. It is a noble activity, a completely human form of interactl on between the human and the Divine. Through prayer, we are bound to share in the creative energy of God 

-- Joan McIntyre Distel, Christianity and the Arts

Format: Paperback book
Product code: PP251985
Dimensions: 5½" x 8½"
Length: 166 pages
Paraclete Press
ISBN: 9781557251985
Written by Brigid E. Herman