There's nothing quite like a pointed question to elicit an honest answer. Jesus used questions throughout his ministry, not to find out something he didn't know, but to probe into people's deepest, most unsettled spaces. Biblical scholar and retreat leader Allan F. Wright organizes twenty-five questions Jesus asked into five spiritual stages that will lead you on the road to discipleship.
In the gospels, Jesus frequently asked his followers and enemies tough questions like "Why are you anxious?" "Do you believe this?" and "Why do you doubt?"
In 25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels, you will see that you are no different from those Jesus questioned—a grieving sister, a fearful friend, an incessant doubter. And you'll learn that his questions—and the issues that they raise—are just as relevant and life-changing to Catholics today as they were to Jesus' first followers.
Educator and author Allan F. Wright will lead you through five stages of spiritual development—from spiritual seeker to faithful disciple of Christ—so that you can become better able embrace and share the life-giving power Jesus offers. You will come away recognizing Jesus for the wise teacher that he was and as the God who loves you still.
I've seen many books that answer people's questions about Jesus, but this is the first one I've seen that asks people to answer Jesus' questions about them. Whether you're a life-long believer or just curious about Christianity, this book can help you meet Jesus as if for the first time.
Author of Bible Basics for Catholics
With the skill of an accomplished biblicist, author Allan Wright helps his readers examine their lives in light of Jesus’ teaching. His crisp, engaging writing style leads the reader to face the very person of Jesus who alone is the answer to our most profound questions.
Bishop of Paterson
Chairman of Committee on Divine Worship of the USCCB
As a spiritual director, it becomes evident in the spiritual life that it is not sufficient to talk about Jesus, but rather, we must come to know him personally in dialogue with him. In this lucid and accessible work, Allan Wright opens a path to that conversation by allowing us to meet Jesus intimately as our Lord asks the key questions about life and faith to each one of us directly. 25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels is such a help to deepening this intimate bond with our Lord!:
Spiritual Director
Casa Santa Maria, Pontifical North American College
Allan Wright invites us to hear Christ gently questioning us and beckoning us to draw nearer to Divine love. Unpacking these questions, Allan gives us the tools to respond authentically to Christ’s invitation, as we embark not only a journey, but also on a Divine transformative adventure."
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Administration
Immaculate Conception Seminary
An excellent book written clearly and succinctly by a skilled and inspiring teacher and author. 25 Life-Changing Questions from the Gospels is an invitation to examine and critically evaluate life’s big questions. It is a good exercise for everybody to consider in their spiritual journey and discipleship. Take up and read!
Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Catholic Studies
Seton Hall University