Sacra Pagina The Gospel of John Paperback
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Sacra Pagina The Gospel of Mark Paperback
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Life in Abundance Studies of John's Gospel in Tribute to Raymond E. Brown
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St. John's Bible (Illustrated) Gospels and Acts Illustrated Scripture
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Sacra Pagina Philippians and Philemon
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Interfaces: My Name is Legion The Story and Soul of the Gerasene Demoniac
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Visions and Healing in the Acts of the Apostles How the Early Believers Experienced God
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Sacra Pagina James
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Sacra Pagina 1 Peter, Jude and 2 Peter
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No Longer Slaves Galatians and African American Experience
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Sacra Pagina 1, 2, and 3 John
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The Cultural World of the Apostles The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday, Year B
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The Canonical Function of Acts A Comparative Analysis
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Sacra Pagina The Gospel of Mark
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Life in Christ A Spiritual Commentary on the Letter to the Romans
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Parables for Preachers Year A, The Gospel of Matthew
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Word and Soul A Psychological, Literary, and Cultural Reading of the Fourth Gospel
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New Testament
The four Gospels tell of the birth, life, ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark was written around 70 A.D., about 40 years after Jesus was crucified. Matthew and Luke were written between 80 and 90 A.D. Finally, the Gospel of John appeared in its final form around 95 A.D.
Matthew, Mark and Luke (the "synnoptic gospes") are very similar. It is commonly believed that Matthew and Luke incorporated much of the material in Mark and another common source that is now lost. Each author then added some unique material.
The Gospel of John is quite different. It is much more of a spiritual and theological work, although it relates many of the same events as the other three Gospels.