Cd -- September 2009
Ever wonder what's on God's playlist? Throughout history, composers and songwriters have written music that honors God or that asks for divine intervention in times of need. God's Greatest Hits includes instrumental and vocal renditions of sixteen of the most timeless hymns and spirituals. Tracks include:
- Amazing Grace (Newton)
- Shall We Gather at the River? (Lowrey)
- Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (Beethoven)
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Luther)
- Simple Gifts (Traditional)
- Be Thou My Vision (Traditional)
- Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Traditional)
- For the Beauty of the Earth (Kocher)
- Abide With Me (Monk)
- Rock of Ages (Hastings)
- Holy God We Praise Thy Name (Traditional)
- Now Thank We All Our God (Cruger)
- Faith of Our Fathers (Hemy)
- How Great Thou Art (Hine)
- Nearer My God to Thee (Mason)
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Dykes)