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eResource Pricing & Licensing

How do eResources work?

If you've never used one of our eResources, you may not realize just how easy they are. Here's how they work:

  • You pay a flat fee for the eResource (with permission to reproduce it).
  • A little later that day, we email you a link to download the file to your computer.
  • You print copies: as many you want for use within your parish/school, or even email them out.
  • You're sharing first-rate, practical, faithful content with your community.
  • No shipping costs. No waiting. No wasted packaging.

Licensing Terms

The following applies to all of our eResources priced with a flat rate. Growing Up Catholic sacramental preparation and other eResources priced per person are not included. Contact us if you would like to discuss special terms on those resources.

Parish and School Licenses

Our eResources are generally licensed at the individual parish or school level. A parish and its associated school may share a single license.

You are allowed to make unlimited copies for use within your community. You may also email these to your members or participants in your program – and we encourage you to share them widely within your community. You may not post our eResources to any web site (without explicit permission to do so).

If you serve more than one parish, each should purchase its own license. Neighboring parishes working together in a cluster are considered separate parishes, even if they share staff. Parishes that have merged into a new entity (with a single federal id number) are considered a single parish. We offer a 10% discount when purchasing multiple licenses for a clustered parish at the same time (please contact us to arrange this).

Diocese-wide Licenses

We offer three options for diocesan offices:

Internal License Bulk License Purchase Diocese-wide License
 Regular store pricing 10-20% OFF 66% OFF
For use in diocesan office or events (no parish use) For limited number of member parishes For use in all of your member parishes
Single eResource license price 5-9 licenses: 10% discount
10-19 licenses: 15% discount
20+ licenses: 20% discount
(when ordered at same time)
eResource license price x number of all your parishes ÷ 3


Dioceses may buy an internal license to an eResource for use within their diocesan office or at diocesan events, priced the same as a single parish license. However, this license does not cover use by individual parishes.

You can bulk purchase parish licenses if you order them at the same time. Buy 5-9 licenses at a 10% discount, 10-19 at a 15% discount, or 20 or more at a 20% discount.

We also offer a diocese-wide license that covers all of your member parishes. We understand that even if you purchase a license that all parishes will not take advantage of it. Our full diocese license takes our normal low per-parish price and multiplies it by the total number of parishes in your diocese divided by 3. You pay for one third of your parishes, and all the rest are free.

Please contact us to arrange diocesan-wide or bulk purchases. Note that if you purchase any diocese-wide license, we will not be able to refund any previous purchases your member parishes may have made previously. You also are not allowed to post resources on your public website without explicit permission.

Thank You!

Thank you for cooperating with our honor system regarding our eResource licenses. We intentionally price them very affordably because we know how tight parish and diocesan budgets can be. Many parishes share the cost of developing excellent resources that would otherwise cost them much more to create themselves. The money we collect goes to pay the authors of these resources, support our ministry, and to invest in developing more excellent resources.

You can find all of our eResources at this link.